Pukka Night Time Tea Advert Actress. Drink it in the evening to prepare you for a deep, restful sleep and more refreshed awakening. Het is een kruidige thee met haverbloem, lavendel en limoenbloem.
A magical cup of wisdom from the years of experience of our master herbsmith sebastian pole.
Pukka night time tea benefits. Night time tea is a unique blend of soothing herbs to help you unwind. We like to use plants in their most natural form, and the decaffeination process alters a plant's natural chemistry. Let the hush replace the chatter as you fall into a restful calm; Night time tea from pukka herbs can be enjoyed right before bed time to possibly help unwind the body and mind. Organic night time herbal tea sachets. For some time (actually, since i went caffeine free for august last year) i've been drinking all sorts of different teas. It is a unique blend of soothing herbs to help you unwind. Deze lekkere mix zorgt voor een rustgevend effect en de kamille en lavendel in de thee worden traditioneel gebruikt om een goede. Pukka night tea offers a blend of organic oat flower, lavender, lime flower & valerian tea for a peaceful night's sleep. Drink it in the evening to prepare you for a deep, restful sleep and a more refreshed.
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